Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's an infinite playlist

We don't live in a single song. We move from song to song, from lyric to lyric, from chord to chord. There is no ending here. It's an infinite playlist

Waaa sukaa banget sama Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist ! Gw udah 3 kali nonton dan ga bosen2 (dan gw akan nonton terus kayaknya). Pengen banget punya musical soulmate kayak gitu huhuhuhu. Gw juga udah baca novelnya and it was greaaaattt i love 'em both! Gw kayaknya lagi addict banget sama Nick and Norah's apalagi soundtracknya! Huaaaaaa bagusss bangeettt gila2 hahahhahha. Lagu favorit gw sih Xavia (The Submarines) sama Ottoman (Vampire Weekend) itu bagussssss bangeetttt.

Plus Michael Cera was soooo damn gorgeous in this film hahha, kenapa ya tipe2 gw tuh yang nerdy musical kind of guy persis kayak Michael Cera di film ini :D. Gw nonton film ini selalu tersenyum dan merasa senang. Terus gw pengen banget bisa mengalami apa yang mereka berdua alami, kan seru keliling kota nyari gig band yang gw suka banget waaaaaa pengeeenn. This is what i called a perfect date, not just some typical date like having a candle light dinner hahah.

Liat dari quotes yang di atas gw bisa menyimpulkan bahwa hidup kita adalah sebuah infinite playlist and each night always has a soundtrack :D

My current playlist:
1. Xavia - The Submarines
2. Ottoman - Vampire Weekend
3. Strawberry Swing - Coldplay
4. Last Word - The Real Tuesday Weld
5. Neon - John Mayer
6. Free Fallin' - John Mayer

That's it for now guys!


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