Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wanna grow old with you

So, my holiday well you can't call it a holiday actually because my so called holidays is filled with dance practice at school from 9am to 3pm. Well i have my holiday just for a week it's not enough though, but i just keep reminding myself that i'll go to France eventually (yeaaaayyy). It's 7 days before i go, oh my god i can't wait!! There's a mix feeling about going to Marseille i'm scared but i'm excited. Why the hell am i scared? Well it's purely because i'll go to Europe without my family, i hope i can take care of myself and i hope i won't get sick :D

(bahasa indonesia: on)
Oke kemaren gw baru aja nonton Transformers ROTF bareng sama segerombolan anak2 Al-Izhar parah banyak banget tapi belom ngalahin pas nonton Spiderman 3 sih hahaha. Menurut gw sih actionnya emang lebih banyak daripada yag pertama tapi untuk cerita, gw personally lebih suka yang pertama. Tapi di sini Shia nya lebih cute sih hahahha, bodoh gitu dia terus unsur komedinya lebih banyak dari yang pertama. Gw sering banget ngakak di film ini tapi menurut gw banyak adegan kurang penting ya serius deh, itu ga penting banget ga nyambung sama filmnya dan agak kurang bersahabat dengan anak-anak kecil.

Terus abis nonton gw beli Jelly Lens buat kamera, jadi itu jelly lens nya di tempel di lensa kamera gitu terus gw beli nya kan yang bisa jadi sok2an fish eye ahaha lumayan sih hasilnya, berarti sekarang gw udh punya 2 cara untuk nge cheat kamera lomo (fish eye & colorsplash) hahahahaah :D Kayaknya pas gw misbud nanti akan banyak gw gunakan tuh Jelly Lens nya hehehehe. Reminder fo my self: BELI POST-IT!

Untuk persiapan gw pergi gw udah mulai packing dari sekarang, dan tentunya di bantu sama nyokap gw yang emang suka banget packing hahaha, terima kasih ibu! Terus satu hal sepele yang sebetulnya penting kalo menurut gw, yaitu: mengisi ipod dengan lagu2 yang akan menemani gw kurang lebih 3 minggu di sana. Terus gw bikin satu playlist khusus buat di sana hahaha kurang kerjaan emang. Tapi masih bingung judul playlist nya apa, ada usul?

Sebetulnya ada satu alasan kenapa gw buat playlist khusus, itu di karenakan gw sedang membaca Love Is A Mixtape ceritanya tentang orang yang selalu buat mixtape di tiap kejadian2 hidupnya yang berkesan kayak first date, first kiss, the one when he met his wife, etc. Pengen deh cowok kayak gitu, terus lucunya dia kalo suka sama cewe pasti dia selalu bilang " i'll make you a tape" yes i would like it if someone to make me a tape :) Si penulis nya (Rob Sheffield) selalu bilang dengan ia membuat tape-tape tersebut dia bisa menyimpan memori2nya karena sebuah lagu bisa membawa kita ke masa itu. Iya sih gw sering banget ngerasa gitu, kalo denger suatu lagu kadang2 teringat masa di mana gw lagi seneng2nya lagu itu.

One more thing, currently i'm in love with a band called Passion Pit, you may recognized them from John Mayer's website (yeah, he's a fan too). My favorite is Sleepyhead and Moth's Wing, i just love them, they're great!! Download them NOW! Their new album is called Manners, i saw it in Aksara Citos but i didn't buy it because i'm too broke haha, i'm trying to save my money from now on. I believe Passion Pit will be a great band in no time :)
"But you've run away from me
And you've left me shimmering
Like diamond wedding rings
Spinning dizzily down on the ground"
-Moth's Wing, Passion Pit

Well, that's it for now. I promise you i'll write again seconds before i have to go to the airport next week and that will be the last post for the next 3 weeks. After i get back i'll write all about my trip. Hope it will be such a great great great trip! :)


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