Thursday, November 17, 2011

Patterns Strikes Back!

Well, you never really thought of having a camera with such a cool pattern right? I mean most of all the cameras in this world are just a plain boring black. But hey! Lomography have done it by making La Sardina!

This cute looking camera is perfect for those of you who seek adventures and like to experiments. This handy camera takes panoramic views and packed with such beautiful colours it will make you want to run all day and taking pictures. One thing i really loved about this particular camera is because La Sardina have the most awesome patterns in their camera. Not just ordinary patterns but you can choose from the fresh tuna cans patterns or the more elegant La Sardina Czar and Beluga or you can also choose the cool newest pattern like Domino that kind of reminds me of a never ending maze and that's what this camera is all about, a never ending experiments of taking photos. You can also choose Quadrat this yellow and black pattern will reminds of you of a lightning, which means this camera will struck your heart out!

Domino Pattern

Quadrat Pattern

Pretty packaging on the outside also means great quality on the inside. This pretty camera also took great panoramic pictures! Using a 35mm film roll and with the awesome 22mm Wide-Angle Plastic Lens you can shoot pictures in any occasion. Having La Sardina in an event will definitely be a showstopper. Don't you worry about the focus setting it's so easy to use only with 2 simple setting and you're good to go! And don't forget Fritz The Blitz if you want to use in nighttime :)

La Sardina is definitely the 'It' Camera of the year! Just visit Lomonesia if you guys really want to know more. What are you waiting for, click them now!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big Blue Sky

So i have just finished my final exam on Friday. Super relieved!!! That means i have survived freshmen year at college! Yeaaaayyyy! :D This last 2 days i spend with having a quality time with myself and isolate myself from any works that i suppose to have, i just think that i deserve a little hibernating time for a while ;)

You know i like listening to a shoegazing band since 3 years a go i think. I like Homogenic, L'Alphalpha, and of course The Milo. The last band that i mention is from Bandung and they have been in the music industry in for a long time, i think i first heard them when i'm in elementary but they dissapear for a little while and this year they make a comeback and release a new album titled "Photograph". The first track is called Apart and i really love the sound it reminds me of my last year in elementary, my sister is the first one to introduce me to this kind of music and yes i fall in love. My favorite track from the album is Daun Dan Ranting Menuju Surga, i can't say anything you just have to hear it. It's absolutely wonderful :)

One thing that i like about listening to a shoegaze sounds is because they have a tendency to take me to another place where i can just lay down and stare at the big blue sky without worrying anything. Oh that would be amazing, i think i really need that, just relax and not worrying about anything.

Happy holiday fellas! Cheers!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Long Sigh

Let me tell you about something. Being the third person and being a neutral in the middle of an argument sucks BIG TIME. I actually already used to it but i don't know somehow this one problem is just... too big. Sometimes i cry at night thinking what would my life be if all this never happened? Where everything is normal, where the problems i get through is just a normal teenage problems, not this. Somehow i think that life has taught me a very big lesson and makes me a little bit more mature than anybody else in my age. But when i think about it again i'm just a teenager, i shouldn't have dealt with this kind of problems, this is adult problems i should just stay away out of it and just focus on my studying and my teenage life. When will this ever stop? After all you guys already separated why do you still argue? You guys suppose to have a new separate life, stop arguing please. I just can't handle it.

I promise this to my future children if i have a problem i won't bother you to solve it too. It's just too hard :')


Saturday, May 7, 2011

everything is back as it used to be :)
thank god

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bye now

Now playing: Littlest Things-Lily Allen

Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin'
And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's
All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses
I'd tell you sad stories about my childhood
I don't why I trusted you but I knew that I could
We'd spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt
I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?


those little things will always stay in my heart. I still love you so mucho, and i still think that you're the best person i could ever have. Even if tomorrow i'm in other arms, my heart will stay yours until i die. Take care, O have a great life. I know you will :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Container House

So my boyfriend told me about this so called Container House. Then i googled it, and i'm amazed on how amazing a basic container can turn into such a beautiful house. Me want them so badly! The thing is with container house, you just have to buy the unused container i don't know how much it'll cost though but at least you can cut the production cost of building a structure of a real house. Here are some of the favorite picture of the container house

The pictures above are just using a single container to make the house but some people also used a multiple container and attach them to one another to make a bigger house with a bigger space. like this pictures

Is it cool or what? Yes someday i want to have this kind of house! Maybe start with a single container then add it up later when we need a bigger space. I can't wait!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tonight is dying on it's own

High Fidelity (2000)

think about it. songs that we listened to in life really do make a big impact on how we feels.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

About A Friend

Lately i have been busy studying and doing assignment which is like pages and pages of folio paper and it's HANDWRITTEN! Yeah thanks so much for 'we love mother earth' campaign T__T But i also have successfully conduct a birthday surprise for my best friend Songko :)

She turned 19 last week on 27th March, i gave up my study day for criminal law just for her because yes i do really miss her. It's very very fun especially my friends are able to come even the ones who studies in Bandung! So, we surprise her and it was successful, she was surprised that we were all there in her house hehehehe, she never saw it coming ;) After that we have a little chat in the terrace, talk about college life, and catch up with one another. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon with friends. It was definitely worth it because i miss them so so much. It has been a long time since i spend a quality time with them just talking, they are the best group of friends i could ever have *hugs*
and in Monday i actually felt quite good about the test, hope I get a good score because sometimes, when you feel like it's right it's actually not according to the lecturer :(

That's it for now i guess, see ya later!

Friday, March 25, 2011

30 Rockefeller

30 Rock is an american tv show by NBC that stars Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin. Yep it's my favorite tv show of all time!! Not many people actually get their jokes but my gooodd they are funnya s hell! Their jokes is kind of different, it's more of a sarcastic type of joke and it's my favorite kind of jokes. It's been 5 seasons and for 3 years they rule the award show by always winning for Best Comedy Series. Yeayeeer! But this past 2 years they didn't win anything :(

You know sometimes i feel related to Liz Lemon (played by Tina Fey) she is a nerd who just proud to be one. I love her, i adore her, and i just want to say this to Tina Fey "You are so damn right!". One thing that i really love about 30 Rock is they never afraid to make a sarcastic jokes that are a little bit offensive and they always have this new catchphrase and somehow it can be used in my everyday life. Example, you can say "Blergh" everytime you get dissapointed or mad at something and then you can also replace the word "sh*t" with "myrt!". There are a lot of new words from 30 Rock, aaahhh i just love the show very much! :D

product placement scene. super LOL

High Def camera scene

laugh so hard watching those videos and this is not all of the show there are more LOL moments but i can't find it on youtube. 30 Rock never fails me :')


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Half Mast

What could be better than writing a blog in the middle of the night when you actually need to study for mid term exam?

I'm currently on my mid-terms exam season and tomorrow i'm going to have Civil Law (Hukum Perdata) exam. There are a lot of articles i have to read and to understand. Studying law is not just about memorizing but you need to understand the whole idea and concept of it *deep long sigh* it's hard :(

Pray for me please, i hope that i can nail this exam. Amiiiin!


Friday, March 18, 2011



Hola! It's Friday already huaaaaa happy happy joy joy :D But midterm exam is coming closer wawawawawa. Anywaaaay i'm just going to share something i have experiences yesterday. I'm going to tell you the story in bahasa because it's kind of a long story.

Jadi ceritanya giniii kemaren yaitu Hari Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 merupakan hari di mana gw dan teman gw Tika memutuskan untuk membantu senior jaga registrasi Seminar yang di selenggarakan oleh LKPU (Lembaga Kajian Persaingan dan Kebijakan Usaha) FHUI, yap dari namanya aja udah berat dah memang iya seminarnya diperuntukan orang-orang hukum handal dan profesional O__O Kemaren hari gw dimulai sejak pukul 5 pagi, solat subuh lalu langsung mandi. Semua gw lakukan dengan super cepat mengingat gw harus di tempat seminar yaitu Hotel Nikko pukul 06:30 (gila ya?!). Sebelum ke tempat seminar gw ke rumah Tika dulu baru abis itu kita berangkat bareng ke Hotel Nikko. Kita sampai di hotel nikko jam 06:15 ternyata jalanan Jakarta di pagi hari sebelum jam 7 itu surga banget :)) Tapi pas gw bbm-in salah satu s
enior utk ngasih tau kita udh sampe ternyata kita disuruh tunggu dulu -___-" (Positif banget mereka belom dateng) Setelah ngobrol2 d mobil akhirya kita turun dan menuju Diamond Room.

Di depan Diamod Room ternyata udah disiapin meja registrasi dan ternyata ada Mba Teta '09 yang udah nunggu juga bahkan dia udh sampe dari jam 06:00 huhu kasihan..... Lalu ngobrol2lah kitaa nanya ini itu tentang perkuliahan sambil nunggu pada dateng. Sekitar jam setengah 8 barulah panitia2 yang merupakan senior gw pada dateng dan suruh bantu ini itu. Alhamdulillah kita dikasih sarapannya Burger King! Padahal gw udah sarapan juga sama tika di jalan makan sandwich Circle K yaa tapi rejeki ga boleh ditolak doong :p Ga tanggung2 BK nya Double Cheeseburger! hahaha alhamdulillaaaaah. Kerja jd penjaga meja regis sih sebetulnya gampang tinggal suruh isi buku tamu aja, yang undangan langsung masuk dan yang peserta umum harus bayar Rp 500.000,- (bagi seorang pengacara kayaknya ini harga murah krn gampang bgt ngasih duitnya). Tapi yang susahnya adalah bedain mana yang orang penting dan mana yang orang umum biasa. Satu kesalahan kita nih, jadi ada bapak-bapak berbaju rapih kita tanya doong "Pagi Bapak, undangan atau umum?" naaah ternyata oh ternyata orang yg kita tanya tadi adalah orang MA yang ternyata cukup penting dan seharusnya ga usahlah ditanyain undangan atau bukan -____-" deuh...

Sekitar jam 9 pagi seminarnya dimulai, yang ngisi pun ternyata orang-orang penting dlm dunia hukum. Gw baru mengenali beberapa sih tp yaaa dari animo nya sih kayaknya penting *sotoy*. Sambil nunggu seminar berlangsung, kita nyemil2 kue coffe break yang disediakan salah satunya adalah mini salmon quiche. Gila gila ini enak banget parah! Kita makan banyak bgt deh kayaknya huhu abisnya jarag ada yg ngambil drpd dibuang kan? hahahahha. Intinyaa hari itu gw dan Tika ga pernah kelaperan deh, makanan selalu siap sedia, enak, dan gratis. Seminar berakhir pas jam 12an dan para peserta pun makan siang (kitapun ikut kebagian, yay!). Parapeserta juga disediakan sertifikat, walaupun beberapa dr mereka udah ga perlu lagi tapi buat mahasiswa yg ikut itu prestige banget but diataro di CV. Ini curang sih tapi gw ikut dapet sertifikat padahal dengerin seminarnya aja kagak. Ya tapi lumayanlah menuhin cv ;)

Akhirnya tugas gw berakhir setelah makan siang yaitu sekitar jam 2. Padahal gw ada kelas MPKA jam segit tapi yaudahlah hahaha. Oiya satu hal yg ga gw sangka hari itu adalah gw akan mendapat sebuah imbalan yang berjumlah lumayan banget utk seorang mahasiswi. Rasanya kayak ada rejeki nomplok tiba2 ke gw, alhamdulillah ya Allah kemaren udah makan enak terus dibayar pula hihihi. Tapii semua daa pengorbanannya sih, alhasil gw jadi absen matkul MPKA dan badan super capek udah mau remuk. Tikapun harus merelakan MPKA dan Ekbang buat absen, tapi karena masih ada HTN jam 5 kita meluncur ke Depok dengan badan capek dan super ngantuk huhu.

Sampe kampus ternyata HTN ada kuliah umum sama Prof. Jimly dan 3 kelas di gabung di Audit. Hhhhhh ga efektif, tapi gw duduk di depan sih jad yaa lumayanlah dan bahasan hari itu cukup menarik yaitu mengenai HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia). Pas dijelasin gw jadi bertanya-tanya, Indonesia yang katanya merupakan negara hukum yang salah satu syaranya adalah mengedepankan HAM kenapa masih ada pidaa mati dalam aturan pidana pokok di pasal 10 KUHP? Dan pas gw tanya ternyata ada 2 pengecualian yg tercantum dalam UU no 39 tahun 1999 ttg HAM yaitu: Pidana Mati dan Aborsi. Hhhhmm tapi kan di UUD 45 ada aturan bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak untuk hidup? Itu termasuk bertentangan ga ya? (pikir sendiriii)

Intinya, hari kemaren merupakan hari yang panjang dan juga melelahkan. Tapii hari yang menghasilkan dan sangat produktif :) Oiya ada satu hal lucu yg lupa gw ceritain, jadi dekan gw kan dateng ke seminar itu tapiii gw ga tau dia dapet ide darimana untuk datang ke seminar yang dihadiri orang-orang penting dengan menggunakan tas backpack berwarna merah dengan corak bunga-bunga bak anak SD yang mau sekolah (super what the hell moment)

I think that's all what i'm gonna say. Enjoy your Friday night peeps! And have a happy weekend!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

(finally) New Post!

oh my god. it's been like forever since i post something here! I kinda miss ya my blog :')

Well there ain't much to say but i'm now currently on my 2nd semester studyng in FHUI. What? Time flies right?? There are so much going on in campus i would like to tell it all but it would be a never ending post! I miss writing here, i almost forgot how it feels hhhhhhh. Basically, i enjoy studying law, it's hard but it's interesting also. And i'm trying to understand it each day, i hope i will be a good law people someday ;)

i guess that's all i wanna say tonight. I promise i will write more interesting story about my life (idk if you can call it interesting it's actually quite mediocre though). Night people!

P.S: Mid term exams are coming soon, and to be honest i haven't prepared a thing!!! O____o oh help me god!
