Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Put your records on

"Now, a frightening thing happened to me last week. I went into the HMV in Selfridges - I could spend 2 hours in there just looking at records - only to be told by one of the staff that they don't sell CDs anymore!! A fuckin' outrage.

"It's the future", said the kid.
"Fuck the future", s
aid I.

- Noel Gallagher
Agree with Noel here, i could just wandering around HMV just looking at records or searching for some cool t-shirts (I just love the t-shirts, it's awesome!). Oh how i wish HMV someday will open in Jakarta. Talking about CD's i'm quite shock when i read the text above, because HMV is a records store and that means there a lots of cd's but now they don't sell cd's in Selfridges store ( i hope not every HMV store will do this) , what a big question mark. I can't imagine a world without cd's because i spend most of my money to buy those round and shiny thingy. I don't know why i have a weakness for that, i could spend a a lot more money to buy cd's than to buy clothes (what's the matter to me? like seriously i think i'm weird).

One time i've been waiting for this particular cd for a long long time, and when i saw it on a cd rack at Aksara Citos, i grabbed it without hesitating even though it is expensive and i know that it's above the normal price for a cd, but when i look at some cool clothes that i really liked i think for a bit and then i return it to the rack because i think it's too expensive for a piece of clothing. Weird, eh? But it is not that i'm not interested in clothes at all, i'm still going crazy when it is time for a big sale (especially forever 21) because at that time i can buy all those clothes without a guilty feeling (i think every girl thinks like that haha)

Well now you know that i have a weakness for cd's. Now I want to know your weekness when it comes to shopping, tell me what it is ok? OK!

P.S: I think if HMV eventually will open in Jakarta I will go gugu gaga and it will be one of my favorite store to shop and i can spend hours and hours and hours there and my money will runs out like the speed of sound hahahah ;p


Monday, April 27, 2009

Picture of my life

It is just a little random personality quiz i found. Quiet interesting really because i think this quiz describes me really well and i think it's 98% right hahahah. Tell me what you think, is this me?

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Breaking news: Mew probably will perform on 4th August in Bandung! I'll keep you posted on this news. I hope this one is real, amiinnn :)


Love is no big truth

Honestly guys, what do you know about love?
All i know is love makes the world go round, seriously can you imagine a world without love? Well, i don't :p
But I think love is a big word to say because everyone have a different views of what they called love. Some people celebrate love with they're loved ones it is not have to be their boyfriend or girlfriend it could be their family, their friends, or maybe even their pets(?), ok the last one is a little bit weird. Some people celebrate love by doing what they think is the most important things in their life, like a workaholic for example i think they really do love working don't they? It's their way to be happy, so i won't complain unless they are my family or my husband in the future (you better love your family mister!)
"I know that love is unconditional. But I also know it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing"

This is getting a little bit cheesy don't you think? Yeah love is cheesy i have to admit it hahaha :D
One last thing i found this new movie trailer called Paper Heart it is actually a story about Charlene Yi who doesn't believe in love and she go around the states to interview people about what they think about love. It is actually quiet interesting and it definitely got in my 'movies to watch in 2009' list. Well just see the trailer and i hope you enjoy it as much as i did :)


Friday, April 24, 2009

"Cold, cold water what you say? It's such, it's such a perfect day"

I have just experience a once in a lifetime trip to Jayamukti a village in Tasikmalaya. Along the way back home to Jakarta all i see is a a perfect surrounding with a perfect sunshine from my window. While i'm listening to Strawberry Swing-Coldplay i imagine if i live there and just sit in the 'saung' looking right at the river and at that moment i realized that it will be over soon. I have to go back to the rush of the city with all the polution and traffic jam and all the things that i didn't see in Jayamukti... :'(

This trip is one of the most memorable trip that i ever had... :)
Many thanks to Pak Didi and Ibu Nani (my host parents) and Devi (my new friend from Al-Muttaqin High School in Tasikmalaya). It's such an honor to know you, and thanks for all the Sundaneese lesson and teach me how to make a handicraft made from bamboo :D


Monday, April 20, 2009

Ocean of Noisess

Mestinya sih gw lagi packing sekarang buat siap2 PLASA besok tapi kayaknya gw tinggal masuk2in alat mandi yang masih gw pake sampe nanti malem sama senter yang lagi di betulin, jadi gw mengisi spare time dengan nulis blog aja hahahah.

Hhhmmm let's see besok gw akan berangkat menjalankan sebuah kegiatan sekolah yang berjudul PLASA (i don't know what it stands for heheheh :p *sorry*) Di PLASA ini kami anak2 Al-Izhar angkatan 13 berkunjung ke desa yang telah kami pilih, gw dan kelompok gw memilih untuk meneliti Desa Jayamukti dan kami mengambil topik mengenai kerajinan bambu mereka. Kami akan tinggal di rumah-rumah penduduk dan bener2 merasakan menjadi orang desa. Believe it or not i actually excited for this because i can experience something new, living in a village far from the loud noisess of the city :D Tapi gw males mengadakan penelitian nya ituuu karena suka ribet apalagi nanti mengolah datanya hhhhhh. Tapi dari cerita2 kakak kelas dan juga kakak gw katanya PLASA itu pasti seru dan pasti ngangenin hehehe jadi penasaran deh gw hahaha. Jadi tunggu aja post gw berikutnya pasti akan mengenai PLASA ini soo wait for it, because i think it's going to be awesome ;D (doain ya besok gw dan teman2 sampai tujuan dengan selamat dan pulang ke Jakarta juga selamat, Amin..)

Enough about PLASA, this past few months i found a bunch of movies that i think is going to be awesome and i made a list and here it is:
1. (500) Days Of Summer
2. Where The Wild Things Are (you can see the trailer on my previous post)
3. Sherlock Holmes
4. Taking Woodstock
5. My Sister's Keeper
6. Adventureland
7. Nowhere Boy (it's still in production so the info might change)

That's the list! Click it if you want to see the trailer or just read the info, i hope you enjoy it like i did :)


P.S: Wish me luck for PLASA! :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Doris is the soul of this band!

I have nothing to do right now but i want to share this, it's a quote taken from Almost Famous (2000) it's a movie about a high-school boy, William Miller who is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band and that is Stillwater as he accompanies it on their concert tour. On the tour he discovers the life of being a rock and roll band with all the chicks, the drugs, the sex, but also the fun of being on tour with them. This is one of my favorite movie to date :D
Jeff Bebe : I don't think anyone can really explain rock 'n' roll. Maybe Pete Townshend, but that's okay. Rock 'n' roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking... and it's not about money and popularity. Although, some money would be nice. But it's a voice that says, "Here I am... and fuck you if you can't understand me."

Penny Lane : "We are not Groupies. Groupies sleep with rockstars because they want to be near someone famous. We are here because of the music, we inspire the music. We are Band Aids"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"God give me soul in your rock and roll band"

5 April 2009, Singapore Indoor Stadium
Semua penonton berteriak dengan histeris seiring dengan lampu yang mati serta munculnya Andy, Gem, Noel, dan Liam yang di iringi oleh intro lagu Fuckin In The Bushes mereka siap untuk menghibur ribuan penonton yang sudah memenuhi Singapore Indoor Stadium sejak sore tadi. Antrian yang sudah panjang sejak pukul 4 sore membuktikan bahwa Oasis masih menjadi salah satu band rock terbaik di dunia saat ini yang sanggup menyaring ribuan penonton yang saya yakini 60% dari penonton konser mereka di Singapura adalah orang Indonesia. Saya merasa sangat beruntung karena saya dapat menonton konser mereka di deretan depan dan langsung berhadapan dengan sang gitaris Gem Archer. Saya tak pernah menyangka saya bisa menonton mereka sedekat ini.

Penonton langsung di gebrak dengan lagu Rock N Roll Star yang membuat ribuan penonton berteriak dan juga bernyanyi bersama bait demi bait. Lalu di lanjutkan dengan hits-hits ternama mereka dari album-album sebelumnya dan juga dari album terbaru mereka yaitu Dig Out Your Soul. Saya masih berdecak kagum dengan penampilan band ini yang termasuk band tua dan para anggota nya pun sudah ada yang menginjak umur 40 tahum (Gem dan Noel) tapi entah mengapa mereka masih bisa membuat saya berpikir bahwa mereka masih berumur 30-an yang membuat semua perempuan di dalam SIS berteriak histeris (termasuk saya). Gem Archer (42) membuat saya entah mengapa terkagum-kagum atas permainan gitarnya (dan juga wajahnya) walaupun Gem bisa di katakan sangat banyak gaya karena sering sekali ia merapikan rambutnya itu dan hampir setiap lagu ia berganti gitar dan membuat saya bertanya " Punya berapa gitarkah Gem Archer?"

Liam pun yang sangat terkenal dengan gaya tak peduli dan bermain sesukanya bisa terlihat di konser malam itu. Ia meninggalkan panggung dan dalam perjalanan masuk ke backstage ia 'mencolek' pantat Gem Archer dan lalu ia pergi dengan cueknya. Ketika panggung tidak di lengkapi dengan Liam giliran Noel sang kakak lah yang bernyanyi. Ia menyanyikan The Masterplan, dan beberapa lagu lainnya. Sayangnya lagu-lagu andalan Oasis yang saya tunggu-tunggu tidak di mainkan seperti Don't Go Away, Live Forever, Stand By Me, dan Some Might Say. Tapi lagu-lagu kesukaan saya yaitu Wonderwall, Champagne Supernova, dan Morning Glory alhamdulillah di nyanyikan dan mereka berhasil membuat saya lemas tak bisa berkata apa-apa.

Konser Oasis di Singapura di tutup dengan encore yang berisi lagu: Don't Look Back In Anger, Falling Down, Champagne Supernova, dan I Am The Walrus (The Beatles Cover). Walaupun saya sedikit kecewa karena mereka tidak membawa lagu Don't Go Away yang saya rasa akan akan menjadi lagu akhir konser yang baik dan cukup bisa membuat saya menitikan air mata dan mengatakan "Oasis.. Don't go awaaayyyy", saya masih berpikir bahwa konser ini adalah konser terbaik yang pernah saya tonton sampai saat ini. Walapun saya harus rela tergencet-gencet, mengeluarkan uang yang cukup banyak ( and it's worth every penny) dan merelakan sepatu saya untuk menjadi korban, saya tetap menikmati konser ini dengan sepenuh hati, bagaimana tidak saya berada tepat di depan mereka, dan mereka bukan hanya sekedar band dari Inggris mereka adalah Oasis salah satu band rock terbesar abad ini.

Foto ini di ambil oleh kakak saya yang ada di free standing pen A dan saya ada di free standing pen B tepatnya saya ada di bawah sang gitaris Gem Archer yang ada di paling kiri

Full Setlist
  1. Fucking In the Bushes
  2. Rock'n'Roll Star
  3. Lyla
  4. The Shock of the Lightning
  5. Cigarettes & Alcohol
  6. The Meaning of Soul
  7. To Be Where There's Life
  8. Waiting for the Rapture
  9. The Masterplan
  10. Songbird
  11. Slide Away
  12. Morning Glory
  13. Ain't Got Nothin'
  14. The Importance of Being Idle
  15. I'm Outta Time
  16. Wonderwall
  17. Supersonic
  18. Don't Look Back in Anger
  19. Falling Down
  20. Champagne Supernova
  21. I Am The Walrus (The Beatles cover)

Saya menghela nafas karena konser yang masuk dalam list "10 things i have to do before i die" sudah berakhir dan saya hanya bisa berteriak dalam hati
"Toniiightt I'm A Rock N Roll Star!!!!"


Friday, April 3, 2009

Where's Your Head At?

Udah deh gw ga ngerti apa pikiran para caleg tahun ini.......... Speechless. Ada yang sok2 jadi James Bond lah, jadi Gandalf lah. Yang paling kreatif sih yang bisa bikin singkatana OBAMA (Ooo BAyuadiperMAna) bisa aja deh caleg2 seakarang. Indonesia tuh kreatif sebetulnya tapi cara menyalurkannya aja salah jadinya lebih menjurus ke kampungan dan plagiat. Kayaknya pemilu tahun ini menjadi pemilu yang paling menghibur buat gw hahahahha, dan membuat gw ntn metro tv untuk liat perkembangan yang lucu2. Lumayanlah bisa menambah wawasan ttg berita2 terkini ttg pemilu hehehehe
