Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing"

What do you know behind a bad things there will always be good things hidden. Trust me, i know how it feels when you just received a very bad news that made you cry but in the end of the day something made you smile so bright that you can't hold it and then you just laugh like an idiot :)
Gotta say right now i'm happier that ever even though i have failed to get that golden ticket from UI but somehow something different came up, so thank you God.

Thank you for making my day a little bit brighter i don't know what will happen if you weren't there when i get that very bad news, and thank you for makin that day from the second saddest day of my life to the happiest day of my life (for now). Last but not least, thank you for making me smile that day :)


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just because i'm losing doesn't mean i'm lost :)

yeaah well......

I didn't get it, but that's ok!
First time seeing the result of course it hits me hard crying a little bit and seeing all of my friends support makes me sadder, it's like i have dissapointed them, so sorry guys i'll do my best next time and better strategy of course!

Thank you for all the kind supports, i believe this is the best for me and now i'm over it :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Night Prayer

Ya Allah...

I beg you please please grant my wish, i really really want this sooo much.... This is my goal since the first day of High School. So, please i beg you please give me the best news in about 3 hours from now..... D:
Most of all, please give me the best for my life


Monday, January 4, 2010

Hai! Hari ini pertama masuk sekolah setelah libur akhir semester 1 dan tahun baru lhooo! Betapa susahnya bangun pagi hari ini dan ya gw bangunnya telat! hahaha gw baru bangun jam setengah 7 sajaa untung sekolah gw baik hati dan memutuskan untuk mengadakan Coffee Morning yg memang selalu ada di hari Senin pertama dalam bulan baru, sekolahku memang mengerti siswanya masih dlm suasana libur.... Dan gw berangkat sekolah jam 7 padahal jam setengah 8 baru jalan juga ga masalah hehehe

Hari pertama langsung disambut oleh pelajaran si guru 'tercinta yaitu Devi dengan kutukan sosiologi nya walaupun sebetulnya gw suka pelajaran ini tapi entah kenapa kalo diajarin dia semua terasa lebih susah untuk dimengerti dan gw pun akhirnya mengambil kesimpulan sendiri yaitu gurunya lah yang memang ga jelas. Oiya gw mendapatkan satu fakta bodoh baru untuk si guru tercinta ini DIA TIDAK AFAL LETAK PULAU INDONESIA! hahahhaha masa dia gambar Kalimantan setelah Sulawesi, WTF??!! Gila nih guru hahahaha. Berlanjut ke pelajaran kedua yaitu pelajaran si Tono dan yaaa betul sekali isinya hanyalah ocehan dia tentang semarak tahun baru yang mengalahkan tahun baru islam sehingga membuat hatinya miris, emang bener sih tapi entah kenapa kalo dia yg ngomong semuanya itu = bacot!

Pelajaran ketiga adalah pelajaran kesayangan saya saat ini yaitu Matematika, haha memang aneh ya kalo disebut pelajaran kesayangan tapi rasanya kalo lagi Mat jam itu berjalan dengan sangat cepat mungkin karena keasikan ngerjain soal ya hehehe, berarti guru matematika gw yaitu Bu Dini mengajarkan anaknya dengan baik karena hampir tidak ada yg protes dengan Matematika yipiiieee! Lalu pelajaran keempat adalah Ekonomi, need i say more? Intinya gw hanya ngobrol dengan teman cuman beberapa kali memperhatikan guru yang sedang menjelaskan soal haha no wonder nilai Ekonomi gw selalu jelek kalo TO hahaha :p

Dan akhirnya pulaaaaang! Fiuuhh i survive the first day of school of 2nd semester! Omong2 tentang semester 2 saya merasa sangat horor dengan kata UN ataupun SIMAK, SPMB dan kawan2. Otak gw langsung kebayang hal2 tidak menyenangkan yg bisa terjadi huhu.. Gila yaa tinggal 3 bulan UN! Oh My Holy God! Oiya dan tinggal H-12 menuju hari penting dalam hidup gw saat ini, ya Allaaah berikan yang terbaik buat saya dan semoga yg terbaik itu adalah di terima di FHUI, Amiiiin!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Decade

Well what do you know it's 2010 already! Happy new year guys! I know it's late but better late than never rite? So yeah it'2 2010 that means high school is going to end soon boohoo :( and the biggest challenge is yet to come and torture me and all of senior high school students across Indonesia! Please pray for us :)

It's quite late but i'm gonna share you my 2010 resolution, so here it is:
1. Graduate High School with a great score in the national exam
2. Got accepted in FHUI
3. Gonna spend holiday with my high school friends
4.Watch great concert if there any in 2010
5. Lose wight maybe 2/3 more kilos (i already lose 2 kilos in the holiday, i actually can't believe it)

Well 2010 starts really good according to me and i don't know but it seems that my luck is working really well or maybe too well. I don't know what will come in next month or even next week but i think it's going to be good well i hope so :) but now i'm hoping and praying for the announcement of the most highly anticipated thing in my life right now you know the "golden ticket" from UI. It'll be announced on 16th of January which is like SOON!

I actually excited to start this new year and there a lot of things that going to happen in 2010 such as WORLD CUP! Hell yeaaah i really really excited for that, you know what? Because for a whole month the world will actually watch football and bring all of the people together hhhh the magic of football :D Super can't wait for this year Summer woohoooo!

Oh 2010 please be nice :)
